REVIEW: Sea Of Bones - Silent Transmissions

Sea Of Bones
Silent Transmissions

originally published in the summer 2016 edition of The Cut Up

New Haven doom metal masters Sea Of Bones follow up their sludgy second full-length, The Earth Wants Us Dead with a twenty-seven minute improvised track.  For a band that relies as heavily on creating atmospheres as pummeling riffs, it actually makes sense.  Silent Transmissions captures the trio in what is essentially their songwriting process, only here the details aren’t fine tuned.  We are led through a cacophony of droning riffs and slow churning rhythms with everything cranked to eleven.  The crunch of the gear being pushed beyond its limits defines the band’s bleak tone, which is as desolate and depressive as any Grief or EyeHateGod record.  In this off the cuff setting Sea Of Bones are able to expand upon their ultra heavy doom sound, exploring even murkier waters.  Just before the track’s completion, an air raid siren guitar riff jumps to the forefront, signaling the apocalyptic conclusion.  Silent Transmissions is certainly not the easiest listen, but for the daring, its rewards are plentiful.
